A picture and short post for the day!

5/26/14 @ 6:13pm
Well today was uneventful of course. I stayed at home and had some serious introvert time while recuperating! I should not be contagious anymore so tomorrow it is back to The Haven for me! Woohoo! This update is going to be quick and painless because let's be honest, I did nothing productive today. Except read, lots and lots of reading. I finished reading a book called Beautiful Disaster and now I am on to Aging With Grace. Everyone have a lovely day :)

This is my baby that I have for the last 45 minutes of everyday. One of the graduate students that spends that time in Haven 3 with me as well, and coincidently one of my dear friends, Catherine, took this picture for me so I could have a picture of her beautiful smile! She is so stinkin' cute!! 


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