Pictures from our trip days 2 and 3

This is a picture of the bus that we rode into town today and that we take whenever we don't walk. I am sitting in the front because I am car sick, but I felt like I needed to share so you had an opportunity to see our transportation :)

Our awesome driver, Dr. Weaver!! She is our "boss lady" and the SLP in charge of us. She is the dean of the college of Allied Health at Harding

This is our house, the Mann house

Me and my roommate Caitlyn Smith

Our bedroom with the mosquito nets... Mine is the one on the right

Clothes that were for donation, we took them to The Haven and "Mama" was so happy and appreciative. That same day we saw the kiddos wearing those clothes :)

Toys that were for donation for the kids at The Haven. We brought these over with us. :)


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