Sunday Funday!

5/18/14 @ 8:17pm (Sunday)
Well last night's Lion King adventure was unexpectedly cancelled due to power failure. :( We had the popcorn all popped and watched maybe 10 minutes and then power failure happened. So everyone came to our house, the Mann house, and we played Nerts by flashlights for a good hour and then the electricity came back on. They say that blackouts happen a lot but I don't think that they last for a long time. 

We got our rough schedule for therapy at The Haven. Basically throughout the day we are going to the different havens and doing group therapy. With the little ones we might be doing some feeding exercises as well and then I have been assigned two different kiddos to work with on rotating days. On MWF I will have a little girl named Maureen, she is getting ready for kindergarten so we will be working on colors, numbers, letter identification, letter sound recognition and animals to name a few. Then on T/R I will be working with a boy named Joelo. I don't know a whole lot about him, I believe he has a diagnosis of CP and we will be working on imitation, and decreasing facial tension to aid in language enhancement. Then the next week those kids will switch and I will have Maureen on T/R and Joelo on MWF. I also know that B.Weave asked us today what age group we most wanted to work with and I of course said the little babies, so Meagan Hawley is going to assign us a baby in the age group that we prefer. I will keep you posted on who my assigned baby is :)

Today we got up and had breakfast at 8:15. The staff has Sundays off so we "made our own breakfast" and had cereal and toast. Then we went to church at 9:00 in the morning, we went to the Namwianga church of Christ in the Johnson Auditorium at the college that is a stones throw down the road. During the sermon we went and helped with the kids class. We sang some songs and I think next time we are going to teach a lesson. We then came back for lunch and since us student were in charge of cooking we had leftovers from the week. Yum Yum! Kala and I personally were in charge of cleaning up from lunch. We had a hard time, we clogged the sink and had to plunge it. Pictures are to follow, do not fear. We then had quiet time after lunch until dinner. This is the time in the trip that Dr. Weaver has an afternoon to herself. I mean she would help us if there was an emergency but Sunday afternoons are her time for her. I got my Eno hammock out and laid out for about an hour in the sun. It was so nice, and I fell asleep. A sudden noise woke my up and so I packed my hammock up and went inside to take a very long nap I am afraid to admit. ;) For dinner we had... you guessed it! Leftovers! They really were excellent though. Then we went to evening church. We were overzealous christians and arrived an hour early, it might have just been we got the time wrong. You will never know! And then after church we came back and talked about prep for therapy. I will post a picture of all of our therapy supplies that we have in the house, if I haven't posted that already. 

So needless to say, today was a day of relaxation before the craziness of tomorrow begins. I feel that I am pretty well adjusted in the sleep department. We'll see if I say the same thing after this week!

I know you are all dying to know how the spider situation is going! Well we have embraced them as our friends, or at least tried. We have attempted to decrease our fear by naming them. We have named the one in our kitchen Artemis, he guards our snacks. Then Phillip, he keeps us company in the living room. I am actually staring at him right now as I blog. Then we have Satan in the restroom. As I am sure you can tell by his name, we are not so fond of him. He is very unpredictable and comes out and in at his convenience. We value consistency here. Take Phillip for example he goes away every day and at night he comes out and stays in exactly the same place. All Night. We like Phillip. Caitlyn and I have not had any spiders in our room, we have a little guy that sometimes visits but we have not felt the need to name at this time. Lindy and Taylor have two in their room, I believe Gigantore is in the closet and I forget the name of the other one that frequents their room. Overall we are trudging along and have come to embrace their presence. Well I am off to pack my therapy supplies for tomorrow! 


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