Tuesday.. Here it is!

5/20/14 @ 5:54pm (Tuesday)

Well after my last blog we had an exciting night :) We were sitting in the living room having what we have established to be "quiet time." Where all the people in our house sit around and blog/read. It is a nice break from talking all day. Well anyway we were having quiet time and then I heard some scurrying in time to see a rat/mouse (we are still not for sure which) run underneath one of the empty suitcases that are sitting in the dining room. Lindy and Caitlyn then saw it "scale" a wall and go up into the rafters of our house. It was intense. We were all screaming like little girls enough for Dr. Weaver in the other house to hear us. We called to Cara to come rescue us and she of course did. She went and got webster and he climbed up in the rafters and "chased the rat away." I am not convinced. But nevertheless we made it through the night. We were too hyped up after that to go to bed right away so we all sat together on the couch in the living room and watched 27 Dresses and then we settled down for the night. I actually was surprised with how well I slept given the circumstances!

This morning we followed the same schedule as we did yesterday, with a little change. I got to drive the Land Cruiser! woohoo!! I drove it to and  from the haven in the morning and then Ashley drove it to and from in the afternoon. So legit, I drove on the left side of the road in Africa in a Land Cruiser. Once in a lifetime opportunity right this morning. So this morning we started with Haven 3 and played with them outside. I was called over by one of the supervisors, Candice and we did a swallow eval on a Joelo. He is my kid that I am supposed to have individual therapy with on T/R this week. He has the dx of CP although today the dx of apraxia of speech and limbs was thrown out today. Candice did a really good job of explaining the type of chewing pattern we are looking for and things that we can do to enhance Joelo's swallowing and chewing patterns. After that Joelo went to physical therapy so I did not get to do speech with him today. Instead I took one of the ACU's clients since they weren't there yet. His name is Joseph and we worked on verbal output, colors, following directions to name a few. After that we played on the veranda with the Haven 1 children and we did a lot of language enrichment with the kids. Us clinicians would sing a song in English, and then the aunties would sing a song in Tongan. It was a really good exchange. Right before we left for lunch we got to see another chameleon, and I got to hold it!! Do not fear pictures are to follow. 

Then I drove us back for lunch and after lunch I took a short siesta. Then this afternoon we did language enrichment with the older kids from Haven 2 in the boondoos. I have a little mini-me called Memory. She is a bit clingy so we will see how this progresses. At one point today I had Ella on my lap instead of Memory and when Memory came over she cried because she had to share my lap. Memory is beep-beep's  twin sister. Then this afternoon my little baby was sleeping (we think, the language barrier is difficult) so I played with Vera for a little bit and then I grabbed a baby that actually doesn't live at the Haven but was visiting and I did some language therapy with him while I did infant massage. He loved it! 

Oh yes, our other parts have arrived! We have two graduate student Megan and Ainsley that came to do therapy. They came with a supervisor (I am not for sure what her name is) and then Megan is married and her husband is a CSD undergrad so he is going to get observation hours while he is here. 

Now I am sitting on my bed having some introvert time. We had dinner and in about an hour we are going to the big porch to have movie night to finish watching the Lion King that we didn't get to watch last time due to power failure. 


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